1. It's Another Excuse to Party!
I don't know about you, but if I were feeling up to it, I would love the opportunity to be like every other American and celebrate America's birthday! Unfortunately, having Chronic Lyme Disease with multiple co-infections, I can't push myself and fake it. It's just not worth all my symptoms flaring up even more. I know one day my time my will come when I can "live it up" on the 4th, but for now I just have to accept my current situation. Yes, it is a betch for someone to be home with their parents watching the Macy's fireworks on TV, but at least my mom is my best friend!
2. Tired of Endless Pictures and Status Updates Clogging up the following News feeds: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
Social media FINALLY has added more features that allows you to modulate what you want to see and/or not see on your news feed because it be annoying and overwhelming! On Facebook, I don't know what I would do with the unfollow button and being able to customize my news feed. If you look at my news feed now it's literally just a few friends, news sites, and my interests. The BEST button invented that I am in love with on Twitter is the mute button! It is sheer genius! Bravo Twitter! Instagram is a different situation because people are in love with themselves. How many selfies do you have to post in a day? With July 4th approaching, do I really want to see you with all your friends down the shore having fun, while I'm in bed or doing my IVs in excruciating pain? Not really. Yes, I often block or unfriend many people, but now I can understand why people end up getting depressed after looking at social media. In the end, social media is a necessary evil!

3. Going to Fireworks is Actually like "Bombs Bursting in my Ears!"
Would I love to see the town fireworks? Absolutely! However, I would rock my wear ear plugs because I am so sensitive to noise. If I am having a "good" day, I am going to try to go to them, of course thinking optimistically here. Trust me, there is NOTHING worse than the feeling of vibrations in your ears. It is a Lyme nightmare! If I can't see my town's fireworks, I am DEF watching the Macy's fireworks! I'll have the best seat, my couch, and no ear plugs needed! It's a win-win situation! A very rare thing to happen for a Lymie!
4. Loud Music From my Neighbors Who Decided to Celebrate the 4th!
Do you really have to rub it in my face that you are having a party? It's bad enough when you do, there are cars lined up the entire block. You have a gorgeous pool, a hot tub, a fire pit, and you are grilling food outside, I get the message loud and clear! It's party time! When the music is loud, I either listen to my Ipod with my Bose Noise reduction head phones, a MUST buy, and I often move to another part of the house in hopes I also don't hear the music as loud. Usually my neighbors are pretty respectful, but it's the summer and a holiday weekend so you never know what can happen!
5. Swimming? Going in the Ocean? Um...Nope! Thanks picc line/port!
There's nothing that I love than swimming or floating in a pool or the ocean. It is my happy place. I am a LEGIT beach bum, but when you are battling Chronic Lyme Disease and have a picc line and a port that is accessed, swimming is out of the question! I know I can put my feet in, sit at the edge of the pool and pray no little kid splashes me, and even put part of my legs in the pool and/or ocean. Let's face it, being a Lyme Chick is one tough battle mentally, physically, and emotionally.
6. I'm Way Too Tired and Forget About Driving Down the Shore
No matter how much sleep I get, I always feel lethargic. I haven't driven in almost four years, and I know this might sound crazy, but I really don't remember some things about driving! It's pathetic. Watch I'll be 30 years old taking behind the wheel lessons again...um NO THANKS! Part of July 4th is going down the shore and putting my feet in the sand, takin a walk on the beach, putting my feet in the water, and just relaxing. Of course I lather up on sunscreen because those antibiotics can make you sunburn easily and BADLY, especially Doxycycline. It's what I lik to call the "doxy glow." unfortunately, even if someone were kind enough to let me join them (like that's happening), I still wouldn't have the energy for the long car ride and hot weather. In my head, I picture what it's like being normal, but my reality is vastly different because Chronic Lyme and the multiple tick-borne diseases I have are TRULY a betch! Who knows, maybe Hurricane Arthur will get in the way and not a lot of people will be at the beach this year! If you are, watch out for those rip currents!

7. Forget about Even Drinking...Virgin Drinks All the Way!
I'm really not into drinking, but it's the WORST thing for your spirochetes. I know you say to yourself "one beer won't kill me," but really it's not worth the extra pain and aggravation those damn spirochetes cause our body. Our lives are already a Lyme nightmare so order a virgin pina colada. I know it's loaded with sugar, but if you are able to go out, you deserve a drink and should feel "normal!" Personally, I LOVE virgin coladas so I give permission for someone to have one or even a few sips for me. If someone gives you sass about why you are drinking non alcoholic beverages you can say "I have Chronic Lyme Disease Betch!" Just kidding, unless you despise the person. I would just keep it short and simple because honestly it is no one's business!
8. Look at all those sweet desserts! Anything gluten free and sugar free or at least low in sugar?
So you are at a BBQ and of course they don't have anything gluten free or sugar free! It's time to hit up some fruit! Let's hope someone made a patriotic berry bowl of strawberries and blueberries! Don't forget to eat some watermelon for a sweet treat! My weak spot, especially since I have candida and parasites galore, are desserts. It's like my brain goes into a carbohydrate, sugar induced coma! It's almost unfair when people bring in all these desserts from famous bakeries. Of course it is SO tempting to eat even just a bite, but let's be real once you start it's so hard to stop. My suggestion is this Lyme betches! If you are attending a party this July 4th, make your own gluten free dessert that is sugar free and/or low in sugar! Make this dessert so good that everyone else is jealous!
9. By all means celebrate America's Birthday, but how Many Patriotic Songs do you have to Play During the Fireworks?
I am all in favor that during the fireworks you have to play patriotic songs, but what becomes annoying is when during the fireworks, celebrities interject with "what America means to them." I would much rather watch the fireworks and hear the music than your opinion! I also hate it when they show the crowd watching the fireworks, instead of SHOWING the actual fireworks. I know it's precious when a father or solider is holiding his son/daughter and staring at the display over the Hudson River, but really can I please just watch the fireworks? In terms of music, there needs to be a good mixture, of patriotic songs and modern day songs. Of course they will play Katy Perry's "Firework," Taio Cruz's "Dynamite," but last year they played Usher's "Without You," which to me was a stretch! Who knows what kind of current music they will play this year, especially since Ariana Grande is on the list of performers, but I just hope it is decent!

10. Please don't dress in Red, White, and Blue! It's Cute on Little Kids and Pets Though!
I am all in favor of wearing something a little bit patriotic. After all, it is a holiday. By all means, get those $5 Old Navy Flag Tees and if you want, paint your nails red, white, and blue! You can wear anything and dress it up and make it chic! I'm just not a fan of someone who looks like they are wearing an American flag! What is ADORABLE, are little kids and pets dressed up in cute little outfits that show their love for America!