It's bad enough that every month when the full moon happens most Lymies symptoms flare up, which is always so much fun...said no one ever! So what exactly is a supermoon? Obviously, it is a much larger moon and it is often brighter, but this is when the moon is closest to the Earth. So that's today's Astronomy lesson Lymies, and I hope you now understand the basics of a supermoon. If you need more information on supermoons, contact NASA. Instead, you can read
"What is a Supermoon?" from
Truthfully, this whole "
summer of supermoons" is a Lymie's WORST nightmare! This means two more months of "hell" and even worse flare-ups. I don't know about you, but supermoons make me SUPER sick! It's bad enough, my symptoms worsen around the new moon and full moons, so you can only imagine how much fun it is to be writhing in physical and emotional pain during a supermoon. Can we EVER get a break?! I would like to think so at some point but just when I try to be all "Polly Anna" and be a little bit more optimistic, I come back down to Earth and remember there are two more lovely supermoons to endure and survive this summer!

While the rest of the non Lyme or Spoonie world is all excited and taking pictures of the big, bright, beautiful moon, I feel like I am on my death bed, as I am sure most Lymies are this past weekend. When family and/or friends who don't have Lyme ask how my weekend was, I feel like rolling my eyes and asking them to switch bodies with me like in the movie "Freaky Friday!" I feel like then people might begin to understand what it's like to "walk in a Lymie's shoes." Could they handle all the physical and emotional pain Lyme and TBDs cause? Unless they are immune to pain or Deepak Chopra, the survival rate would be slim. It's literally like we live in a completely different world! It's not fair and it's not right. Supermoon, you win the betch award, and I know Lymies and Spoonies are NOT looking forward to the next two months of Supermoons! Personally, I would rather crawl under a rock and hibernate until this supermoon hell is done.
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